hello you...

i would just like it to be noted that this is my free self space - which means i have no rules or regulations here. especially when it comes to my grammar. i promise i really do know when i need what punctuation and the difference between to and too. that being said, i most likely will not be using capital letters and i tend to use too many periods at the end of a sentence... i write how i speak and thats how i like it. hopefully it doesn't make your eye twitch. ;]

June 15, 2010

quote obsession

and you can thank my beautiful mama for it. :]
she gives me daily inspiration with her quote finding abilities.
for her recent birthday i wanted to give her something i knew she would love. i found a great book of quotes, one for each day of the year. of course i started reading them and realized i really wanted one too, so i also found me a good quote book too.
today i found one that i want to share...

love people when they least deserve it
-swedish proverb

because really its not whether they deserve it or not, its that they really need it....

June 13, 2010

it really comes down to the little things in life :]

fyi - i picked the blue dress....
it twirls! :]
and that makes my heart happy.

all in a day's work...

this weekend i got to blow up a mountain :] dont even worry - i'm a professional...
i work for west construction.
here is a lil glimpse at site.

this is just a little blast...

.... hopefully that wasn't too disappointing.

but there you have it - shot rock was grown right here in alaska! ;]

we are doing a job in seward, ak and i had to go down for a few days to get stuff set up. its a pretty cool little town actually. lots of tourist stuff to do. some really good food joints as well. also exit glacier is right there, i didn't get to go hike it like i wanted, but its not far from here so i think i'll go down again another weekend and do it. its a beautiful drive. i am a sucker for waterfalls and there were tons of waterfalls along the road... here was my favorite one.

oh! and if anyone is interested or know anyone who is interested...

my mama has a beautiful piece of property for sale there! :]

have a happy sunday!

June 6, 2010

S is for Sunday Shopping Spree & Smoothies

i was bad today - and it felt sooo good! :] thank god i dont have my own apartment or i might have broken my shopping spree record today... i visited anthropologie.com today :] i'm in LOVE with some of their curtains, furniture, bedding, aprons (they have the cutest aprons! i own one already), table cloth, and i'm sure more that i'm forgetting about due to the excitement that is running through my head as i replay this all. :] and dont even get me started on the outfits i had picked out! sooo many dresses after i added everything in my cart i realized i needed to turn my brain back on and think about each item more carefully... i settled for just two dresses. which inevitably if i know myself i'll send one of them back when i get them. i'm the queen of doing this.

explanation: i shop til i drop online and then i once i get it all i have a fashion show and send it all back. :] it was the only way i felt like i could have a girly shopping day in dutch harbor. online shopping was all we had. i have not broken out of this habit yet. i have only been to the mall twice since i moved to the main land again.... scratch that - 3 times, but once was just for lunch. the first time my man was with me so i wasn't really caring too much about the shopping, and the second time i was on a mission for flip flops and i kept my eyes glued to the floor to stay out of trouble....

so do you want to see my dresses?! ... i thought you'd never ask. ta-daahhhh!

ohh no.... so while just getting these photos from you i saw two other dresses i didn't see the first time around!! ah! someday.... anywho - these dresses can be found here.

i also have to share these lovelies... they make my heart happy and can be found here.

are sundays not the absolute best day of the week?! i have pretty much loved sundays since i was 16. such a laid back day full of whatever the hell you feel like! its a beautiful thing. today's sunday was spent mostly indoors. i caught up on my not so daily blog reading and became fully inspired! dont you just love that? && i found some new blogs that are sure to become favorites. went shopping. and then what do know, the sun comes out 30 mins before my yoga class. figures. so i had a mental argument whether or not i should bask in the sun or be diligent in my practice. my inner yogi won. and it was an amazing class. :] then i tried out a new place for smoothies! - i have been on a mission looking for the best smoothie in this town. - but that is a whole other post... and my beautiful sister is calling so i bid you all goodnight!