hello you...

i would just like it to be noted that this is my free self space - which means i have no rules or regulations here. especially when it comes to my grammar. i promise i really do know when i need what punctuation and the difference between to and too. that being said, i most likely will not be using capital letters and i tend to use too many periods at the end of a sentence... i write how i speak and thats how i like it. hopefully it doesn't make your eye twitch. ;]

June 6, 2010

S is for Sunday Shopping Spree & Smoothies

i was bad today - and it felt sooo good! :] thank god i dont have my own apartment or i might have broken my shopping spree record today... i visited anthropologie.com today :] i'm in LOVE with some of their curtains, furniture, bedding, aprons (they have the cutest aprons! i own one already), table cloth, and i'm sure more that i'm forgetting about due to the excitement that is running through my head as i replay this all. :] and dont even get me started on the outfits i had picked out! sooo many dresses after i added everything in my cart i realized i needed to turn my brain back on and think about each item more carefully... i settled for just two dresses. which inevitably if i know myself i'll send one of them back when i get them. i'm the queen of doing this.

explanation: i shop til i drop online and then i once i get it all i have a fashion show and send it all back. :] it was the only way i felt like i could have a girly shopping day in dutch harbor. online shopping was all we had. i have not broken out of this habit yet. i have only been to the mall twice since i moved to the main land again.... scratch that - 3 times, but once was just for lunch. the first time my man was with me so i wasn't really caring too much about the shopping, and the second time i was on a mission for flip flops and i kept my eyes glued to the floor to stay out of trouble....

so do you want to see my dresses?! ... i thought you'd never ask. ta-daahhhh!

ohh no.... so while just getting these photos from you i saw two other dresses i didn't see the first time around!! ah! someday.... anywho - these dresses can be found here.

i also have to share these lovelies... they make my heart happy and can be found here.

are sundays not the absolute best day of the week?! i have pretty much loved sundays since i was 16. such a laid back day full of whatever the hell you feel like! its a beautiful thing. today's sunday was spent mostly indoors. i caught up on my not so daily blog reading and became fully inspired! dont you just love that? && i found some new blogs that are sure to become favorites. went shopping. and then what do know, the sun comes out 30 mins before my yoga class. figures. so i had a mental argument whether or not i should bask in the sun or be diligent in my practice. my inner yogi won. and it was an amazing class. :] then i tried out a new place for smoothies! - i have been on a mission looking for the best smoothie in this town. - but that is a whole other post... and my beautiful sister is calling so i bid you all goodnight!

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